A great miracle for little Vasya. 4
A great miracle for little Vasya. 4

A great miracle for little Vasya. 4

The project is carried by
Started: 16.12.2019
Lviv region
Totally raised
24280.0 UAH
Total goal
24280.00 UAH

Vasylko’s history of life is unique. Much of sorrow and illnesses fell to him, but parents didn’t leave him – at Bersenev Medical Center he received help. But let’s analyze everything steps by step. His mother’s pregnancy was normal and the family has been waiting for the 4th child. All ultrasound were shown that the baby will be born healthy. However, terrible truth has been revealed only during delivery. When the boy was born, an obstetrician has told he has open spina bifida (there was no skin at the bottom of his back and a spine could be seen). After a complete medical examination, the little boy was diagnosed as Arnold–Chiari malformation; he also was born without a little cerebellum. 

Neurosurgeons didn’t want to undertake to operate Vasyl due to his weight (2 kg 600 g) and a small skin area. And almost everyone told his parents that it’ll be better for them to repudiate son but they didn’t surrender and insisted on surgery. After surgery the patient was very bad – the wound began to fester, the doctors injected drastic antibiotics. It seemed that all hopes were shattered, but the little child wished to live a lot. He struggled for his life like grim death because he felt how his nearest and dearest love him. Drugs took effect and Vasylko’s back began closing up.

Misfortunes never come singly – progressive hydrocephaly was revealed, bypass surgery was done. The child’s head started decreasing in size and liquorrhea appeared. Later some rupture surgeries have been done – 6 surgeries in general, much of narcosis together with NMR. After them, as the doctors suppose, the baby gradually stopped talking. But to great surprise, he’s lucky again because he first undertook treatment at Bersenev Medical Center when he was 1 year and a half. Since then, changes for better took place; Vasylko started holding his head with confidence, turn at first from belly to back and then from back to belly, sit down and kneel. He plays with toys, watches cartoons and laughs a lot despite his serious diagnosis. That’s why parents pin their hopes he will once begin talking again and perhaps stand on his feet. Now lad is 6 years old and his family wants to continue courses of treatment at Bersenev Medical Center, due to positive results. But they are a large family so that parents can’t always afford to treat their child due to a lack of money. Vasylko needs kindness and mercifulness of caring for people who will be happy to help this unique boy.


Name: Vasyliuk Vasyl, 14.01.2013

City: Sosnivka village, Lviv region

Diagnosis: combined malformation of the central nervous system: a complex malformation of the structures of the posterior cranial fossa, progressive hydrocephalus, spinal hernia (condition after surgical treatment 01/16/2013). Movement disorder syndrome, flaccid paresis of the lower extremities, peripheral-type pelvic organ dysfunction

ID: 5702
Charity donation
29.12.2019 21:33
0.23 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2019 17:55
984.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2019 16:51
200.00 UAH
29.12.2019 15:32
79.43 UAH
сім'я Українець
29.12.2019 15:18
50.92 UAH
All donors

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