Window into the World
Window into the World

Window into the World

Started: 28.03.2013
Ternopil' reg
Totally raised
12000.0 UAH
Total goal
12000.00 UAH

What is your window to the World? Touch screen of a tablet computer? Display of an expensive smartphone? Window of an Internet browser? TV set with a thousand channels? But there are children for whom books are the only way to travel and to learn about the world and people. Because there are iron grates on all other real windows around them. The All-Ukrainian public Centre “Volunteer” asks for your help in collecting a library of interesting and popular books for a children’s corrective institution.

Have you ever think about helping those who committed a crime? And what if the crime was committed by a child? In most cases an offence committed by a child is nothing else but the outcome of the treatment of this child by his family and people around him, the result of upbringing that child’s teachers did not want to try to correct. Is it right that such children have no right for normal childhood? However, only normal childhood and good education may help them to change for the better!

At present about 1200 adolescents are confined to corrective institutions for juveniles, and it is there that they learn about the world. Books are small windows into the world for those who temporary have no full access to it. Books can teach, educate, help to learn about the world, yourself and the past, and help to become a better person.

Unfortunately, interesting books are often inaccessible for juveniles who committed offences, although they like to read, contrary to the existing stereotype. The libraries in the corrective institutions for juveniles have a sufficient number of books, but most of them were published in the 1980s, and many of them are not very interesting at all for today’s young readers. There are no bestsellers or new colourful encyclopaedic editions that could attract those teenagers who are not compulsive readers.

The volunteers of the Centre “Volunteer” ask for your help in creating a library of books that will be interesting and useful for young readers at Berezhanska corrective institution (Ternopil region).
In total it is planned to buy 100 books, including fiction, non-fiction and encyclopaedic books.

To buy these one hundred books we need 12 000 UAH. This money and these books might help someone to learn something new about the world, others they might encourage to think more and to change for the better, to get good education, and somebody might become a kinder person after reading them.

ID: 601
Jonathan Soverns
23.07.2013 21:42
11499.00 UAH
Volodymyr Bondarenko
12.07.2013 09:53
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.05.2013 14:41
100.00 UAH
Ksana N
28.05.2013 22:51
150.00 UAH
Volodymyr Bondarenko
17.05.2013 23:24
100.00 UAH
All donors

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