Viktor fights against nephroblastoma
Viktor fights against nephroblastoma

Viktor fights against nephroblastoma

The project is carried by
Started: 26.01.2016
Mykolaiv region
Totally raised
10955.0 UAH
Total goal
10955.00 UAH

7-year-old Victor only had time to finish the first grade. The boy was happy because it was the end of the school year and the first in his life summer vacation. There were waiting for him the summer, the sea, bike, friends... But fate decreed otherwise. Suddenly, the boy had a high temperature, stomach began to hurt. Doctor from the district hospital put the initial diagnosis – appendicitis and sent him to the regional hospital.

On examination in the emergency room, Vitya immediately was sent for consultation to the oncologist. Unfortunately, the fears were confirmed. After all the necessary tests and medical examinations doctors put a difficult diagnosis – nephroblastoma (kidney cancer).

Vitya has all chances to be healthy. The boy courageously undergoing treatment. He is a very good, open a child. Even though the pain and hospital environment, he continues to smile. He with the courage of a small warrior suffers all painful procedures and he cannot capricious than his mother cried.

Now for recover after the chemotherapy the boy is needs of "Neupogen", in quantity 7 pcs for the total amount of 10 955 UAH. Treatment is expensive, requires constant resources, and the parents simply do not have money. Therefore family of Victor kindly asks to help them buy the missing medication for the treatment of their son!


Name: Viktor O. Minarskyi, born 14.11.2007

Location: Mykolaiv region

Diagnosis: nephroblastoma

ID: 1952
Charity donation
30.01.2016 14:28
248.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.01.2016 13:14
15.00 UAH
Оксана Шевченко
30.01.2016 11:11
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.01.2016 10:59
200.00 UAH
Николай Ишман
30.01.2016 10:51
40.00 UAH
All donors

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