Domestic medications do not help
Domestic medications do not help

Domestic medications do not help

The project is carried by
Started: 13.03.2014
Nova Kakhovka
Totally raised
10200.0 UAH
Total goal
10200.00 UAH

Little Alyona suffers a bilateral nefroblastoma. Her parents spend a lot of money on medicines and research. However domestic drugs can not help the girl. The parents have no money for high-quality medicines. They come to us, asking for help. Support a project to raise funds for the French drug "Granocyte" for Alyona.

Now Alyona is 3 years old. She will celebrate her birthday in early May. Baby began treatment six months ago. She is cheerful, sociable and curious child. Alyona likes to sing and dance. Also she really interested in horses. She especially likes a pony. Baby gathers a collection of toy horses. Today she has 65 pieces. Like many kids of her age, baby gladly paints pictures and collects puzzle. And of course, she is playing with dolls. The Kherson hospital has the basic medicines for the treatment of children. But some special medicines the parents are forced to buy their own. Ukrainian " Filstym " does not help the Alyona. French " Granocyte " is very expensive. The cost of a vial is 2040 UAH. The treatment of the child requires 5 vials of medication Granocyte.

The big part of the financing of the child’s treatment must be paid by parents. In Ukraine, the amounts which are spent by parents for treatment of their children vary in the interval from 500 to 10 000 UAH per month (depending on the stage of treatment). And this is without the mention of the parallel survey, purchase of donated blood, etc. Today in Ukraine there are not many families who are able to earn such money. The families sell the movable and immovable property, their debts grow.

The huge lack of leucocytes is formed in the kid’s blood after the chemotherapy block. The absence of the right leucocytes concentration leads to the strong decreasing of immunity. Any infection can lead to the fatal consequences in this period. In this situation the doctors prescribe the drugs which increase the leucocytes level. These drugs can be cheap, but less effective and can be expensive and of high quality. There are no expensive and high quality drugs at hospitals or there are not enough of them. If parents are not able to purchase the drug, their child receives the ineffective Ukrainian or Indian analogue. The more blocks of chemotherapy the child receives, the more exhausted the bone marrow is. According to this fact, the importance of the using of effective high quality drugs is very huge.

Name: Alyona Yakovenko, 3 years

City: New Kakhovka

Diagnosis: bilateral nephroblastoma

ID: 895
Charity donation
10.04.2014 10:57
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2014 10:21
117.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2014 10:19
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.04.2014 21:49
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.04.2014 21:38
50.00 UAH
All donors

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