Let's save Danylo's life! Stage 4
Let's save Danylo's life! Stage 4

Let's save Danylo's life! Stage 4

The project is carried by
Started: 30.11.2015
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
13225.0 UAH
Total goal
13225.00 UAH

Danylo is 11 years old. Since the beginning of his life, he has a rare serious disease – chronic immunodeficiency. In order not to get sick of viral and infectious diseases, the boy should receive preventive treatment of immunostimulatory drug gamma-interferon. But the family not always has money for buying necessary medicaments. Donors of ubb.org.ua have already helped Danylko for three times. Now the boy again needs immunity stimulation, and the family won't be able to cope with it without your help!

The first health problems, the boy appeared in 7 months of age, tumor formation has been deleted on the left shoulder. Wound dragged on for a long time, doctors superimposed stitches. The wound edges diverged eventually wound healed with the formation of a massive scar. And six months later the new diagnosis: cervical lymphadenitis in the process of infiltration. Operative and conservative treatment, hospitals, new diagnoses ... The two-year age of the baby was diagnosed with severe primary immunodeficiency - chronic granulomatous disease. Daniel observed at the Kyiv City Clinical Centre of Pediatric Immunology from 2006, in terms of primary immunodeficiency and tuberculosis. The child not heal wounds, as he had complications of BCG, many pyogenic and granulomatous processes, tuberculosis, surgery to remove purulent cervical and axillary lymphadenitis.

For a long time Danilo struggling with fungal infection. In 2014, doctors put another diagnosis - generalized aspergillosis. In October, the boy was carried out trepanation of the skull was removed abscess of the right parietal lobe.

To boost immunity and prevent infection doctors prescribed treatment with the boy "Inharon." A course of treatment required value in sum of 13 225,05 UAH. We hope, that the boy's health will be stabilized and Danilo will live thanks to you and against all odds!


Name: Danylo A. Lyshchenko, born 27.07.2004

Location: Dnipropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: primary immunodeficiency, chronic granulomatous disease


ID: 1862
Charity donation
07.01.2016 13:05
540.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2016 12:21
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2016 12:14
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2016 11:47
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2016 11:41
50.00 UAH
All donors

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