Save the heart of Marina Martynyuk
Save the heart of Marina Martynyuk

Save the heart of Marina Martynyuk

The project is carried by
Started: 12.03.2014
Kyiv reg
Totally raised
22950.0 UAH
Total goal
22950.00 UAH

2 years ago Marina was diagnosed to have a congenital heart defect. At the last examination doctors insisted on an urgent operation to install the intravascular implant, which should fix the heart bug. But this implant costs a lot of money. Family began to collect funds. But, when the needed amount of money was collected, sorrow happened - family was robbed. They are unable to raise the required amount of money on their own for the second time, so they appeal to all concerned people to help them save their only daughter.


Marina's parents have no official work. From time to time mother has part-time jobs, the father is a massage therapist in spa salons. He set up charity boxes in salons where he works to collect the required amount of money with the help of caring people. Half of the needed amount of money was collected in this way, and another half by the family. But, on December 12 the family was robbed. They live in the flat on the zero floor of the apartment house. There is a police station in their house. But, even police station presence did not stop thieves. These thieves still not found, but time flies fast and not for Marina's fortune.

However, the family did not give up, and they started to collect funds for the operation again. For now already collected 13 000 uah. But this is not enough, and the parents appeal to all concerned people to help them raise 22,950 uah for the purchase of the implant, which will save the heart of their single daughter Marina. Marina is very sincere and good girl. She attends kindergarten. Marina is very funny and artistic child. She is the main character of all children's parties, knows many poems by heart. She likes to paint and sculpt. Also Marina likes to dance but easily becomes tired because of her heart defect. She should not overload herself.

We appeal to all the sensitive and caring people! Please Help this little girl to get healthy heart!

Name: Marina Martynyuk, 5 years old

City: Kiev region, Chabany town

Diagnosis: Congenital heart disease - secondary defect of interatrial membrane.

ID: 892
Charity donation
24.03.2014 13:12
11430.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2014 13:04
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2014 13:04
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2014 12:59
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2014 11:07
20.00 UAH
All donors

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