Save from the dreadful convulsions!
Save from the dreadful convulsions!

Save from the dreadful convulsions!

The project is carried by
Started: 24.10.2016
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
30000.0 UAH
Total goal
30000.00 UAH

Hypoxia, which was carried during the childbirth, acts like ticking time bomb reserving grinding symptoms. Roma Klimenko was growing up with a retardation, but he felt joy and liked running and laughing. When he was 8 he began to suffer from epilepsy with the repeatable attacks about 20 times a day. During 2 years Roma have forgotten how to walk, stand, eat himself, the attacks are simply killing the child. To get the boy back to a normal life it is necessary a medical examination in Israel which costs 8 830 US.

«Roma was born with red hair- linings and sunny round face. This sunny overshadowed my suffering from a difficult birth» the mother said. While the doctors stalled Caesarean section, a child's brain was suffering from lack of oxygen. Hypoxia got to have done some damage. Roma was 2 years old when he was diagnosed with Angelman syndrome.

The delay in mental development did not prevent the boy from freely moving and playing. When Romka was 8 years old, something happened that no one expected. He had attacked with loss of consciousness, occurring up to 20 times a day. The card Roma recorded a new diagnosis: severe malignant epilepsy with frequent generalized myoclonic seizures with loss of consciousness and convulsive attacks, with epileptic encephalopathy in the form of psycho-speech-motor delay. For two years, the boy lost all the skills acquired in 8 years, stopped walking, stand-alone and eat, endless bouts every day throw Roma back in development.

The list of anticonvulsants, which was accepted by Roma, consists of a dozen positions but almost does not help. We raised funds for examination and treatment in Israel, but at the moment we decided to try all the possibilities in Ukraine. The course of hormones was added to the list of drugs. Now Roma accepts, in addition to other medicines, Dexamethasone and Bioven (cost more than 1 500 UAH per 1 bottle). There is a chance that they will stabilize the child's condition, but parents can not cope with expensive treatment. In addition to drugs, the child requires large diapers. We ask you to support your family! 

Name: Roman Aleksandrovich Klimenko, 07.03.2006

City: Dnipropetrovsk region

The diagnosis: Serious malignant epilepsy with frequent generalized myoclonic seizures with loss of consciousness and rare absence seizures, with epileptic encephalopathy in the form of mental, speech and motor retardation

ID: 2604
Charity donation
06.01.2018 08:14
0.60 UAH
Charity donation
05.01.2018 23:04
1117.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.01.2018 23:02
3869.65 UAH
Charity donation
05.01.2018 22:51
152.94 UAH
Charity donation
05.01.2018 22:34
30.00 UAH
All donors

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