Save the lives of 8 children
For 8 years in a row already, Pavel Kazarin has been celebrating his birthday in a unique and touching way: he refuses to receive gifts and dedicates this day to charity. Pavel calls on everyone to join his mission to help children with congenital heart disease get a chance at a healthy life. This year he aims to raise funds for eight children whose hearts need urgent help.
These are the stories of little fighters with hope in their hearts:
- Ilya Gudyma, 3 years old, Khmelnytsky. His heart is exhausted every day due to a secondary atrial septal defect. The blueness around his nose and constant sweating remind him that time is playing against him. The cost of the occluder: 134 071 UAH.
- Anita and Yasmina Liutsevich, 2 and 10 years old, Volyn. BothЗакарпаття sisters live with heart defects, and their family is painfully aware that without urgent surgery, the girls' future is in jeopardy. The cost of each occluder: 134 071 UAH.
- Katrusia Pasevich, 8 years old, Volyn region. Her heart is struggling with a secondary septal defect, and her parents dream every day of giving her a pain-free childhood. The cost of the occluder: 134 071 UAH.
- Daria Summa, 11 years old, Zhytomyr region. Her heart needs immediate intervention to prevent deadly complications. The cost of the occluder: 134 071 UAH.
- Varvara Kharchenko, 1 year old, Pryluky. Little Varya has Down syndrome and is struggling with a serious heart defect. She urgently needs an operation, the cost of which is UAH 47,000.
- Valeria Levadna, 6 years old, Nikopol. Her family hoped that the defect would close on its own, but the situation is only getting worse every year. The cost of the occluder: 134 071 UAH.
- Leila Tarasenko, 1 year old, Zakarpattya. Her little heart needs an occluder to give her a chance for a healthy future. The cost of the occluder: 134 071 UAH.
Make a gift that will save lives. Every contribution you make is a step towards ensuring that these children can breathe, laugh and dream. Together we can raise the necessary amount and give little hearts hope.
Join Pavel Kazarin's initiative and become a part of this miracle. Every hryvnia is an opportunity to save a child's life.
ID: | 9842 |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 05:04
3852.33 UAH |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 04:46
1000.00 UAH |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 04:33
500.00 UAH |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 03:19
2084.70 UAH |
Charity donation
12.12.2024 03:03
100.00 UAH |