Everything will be fine. 2019
- About the project
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- Donors 56
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In August of last year, Katrusia turned 7 years old. Her life road is not simple and is measured not by kilometers, not meters and not even centimeters, only by millimeters. But they are vital, extremely important and extremely valuable for the girl and her family because they struggle with a serious diagnosis – cerebral palsy.
Slowly but steady, step by step, Katyusha is approaching the most cherished dream - to sit by herself, to walk confidently... By the age of seven, a diligent girl came up with impressive results: she moves from the back to the abdomen in the opposite direction; trying to stand with a flat back with the support of an adult; makes attempts to independently sit down from a lying position; longer, higher and more confidently holds upside down lying on the tummy; becomes more attentive, more durable, more contagious, more emotional.
All the achievements of Katrusia’s family are associated with everyday painstaking and balanced work at home (massage courses, swimming), at the Rehabilitation Center at the place of residence (classes with a practical psychologist, correctional teacher, speech therapist, defectologist), medical treatment and regular rehabilitation in the ICBL in Truskavets. Undoubtedly, most effective for Katyusha is the rehabilitation in the above-mentioned clinic, because there is always positive dynamics in its comprehensive development. Parents, doctors and medical staff at this institution note the hard work and incredible desire of Katyusha to engage, to go forward. And each, even the small success is a new source for parental joy. Therefore, they do not give up, work hard, without laying things off for tomorrow.
The systematic rehabilitations of Katrusia are taking place thanks to the financial support of all non-indifferent people who are involved in fundraising. In this difficult time of a relentless high cost – the family is again asking for out-of-pocket help, since the amount for the family budget is simply unbearable. We believe that the power of human kindness and mercy will definitely help you to heal Katrusia!
Name: Kolesnikova Kateryna, 10.08.2011
City: Kiev
Diagnosis: spastic tetraplegia in the stage of turning over, in the lying phase with head control, motor disturbances of the IV level with the classification of GMFCS, functions of the hand of the V level by the classification of MACS
ID: | 4713 |
Charity donation
02.02.2019 09:13
653.16 UAH |
Charity donation
01.02.2019 22:06
45.00 UAH |
Денис Ридз
01.02.2019 19:14
78.43 UAH |
Charity donation
01.02.2019 19:08
101.96 UAH |
Charity donation
01.02.2019 18:46
305.50 UAH |
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