To stand on my own feet. 2021
To stand on my own feet. 2021

To stand on my own feet. 2021

The project is carried by
Started: 02.03.2021
Totally raised
31840.0 UAH
Total goal
31840.00 UAH

Pavlo has to turn to people for help. From birth he has to deal with a serious disease of cerebral palsy. Doctors' forecasts were disappointing: he will neither talk nor walk. Despite the diagnosis and with the titanic efforts of the boy and his parents, he managed to get on his feet. Constant rehabilitation, performing basic exercises, even  through the cries and tears – all had to go through to walk, talk and even study at the institute.

Until now, people stare at him when Pavlo enters the subway or just walks down the street. His gait still is poor: his knees are bent, one leg steps on toes and does not step completely on the foot. That is a reminder of an old injury after a complex knee operation (seven years ago, after another unsuccessful fall, surgeons inserted a metal clamp into his knee, which holds the torn muscle, it is not recommended to remove it, because the boy often falls due to improper gait). 

Paul is happy to walk on his own, but wants to have better results. To achieve this, he needs very little: to undergo twice a year the rehabilitation in a clinic located in Truskavets, to continue to work out every day in the gym and swim in the pool. Paul's father is not with them anymore since the boy was 13 years old (he died), his mother with the third group if disability works and struggles to raise two children: Pavlo and his younger sister. The family lives in a dormitory in one room.

Pasha has a passion, he loves to take pictures. Because of his own pain and suffering, he tries to bring joy to other people with his photographs. He won the first place in the photo contest. The guy really wants to be a winner in his life, overcoming the disease. Let's help Paul get one step closer to a healthy victory.

Full name: Vervhynskyj Pavlo, 10.07.1999
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia
ID: 6926
Charity donation
26.09.2021 20:01
211.26 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2021 17:43
20.38 UAH
Александр Мирончук
26.09.2021 13:04
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2021 12:21
30.57 UAH
Charity donation
25.09.2021 22:50
152.94 UAH
All donors

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