Her iron will can overcome anything
Her iron will can overcome anything

Her iron will can overcome anything

The project is carried by
Started: 04.04.2024
Chernigiv region
Still needed
20171.00 UAH
Total goal
32000.00 UAH

The infection struck Liza even before she was born. During the ultrasound examination of her pregnant mother, doctors saw an intrauterine infection. It was necessary to give birth immediately. Thus, the newborn Liza found herself in a state where doctors and parents began to fight for her life. The little one spent about a month under round-the-clock drips.

During this first month, the girl gained strength and weight. It seems that the trouble has passed. But two weeks later, Liza's head began to grow. She developed hydrocephalus. It was sheer horror, the child was screaming in pain all the time, and the mother was going crazy that she couldn't help her. Liza celebrated her first birthday in a hospital bed. She underwent brain bypass surgery at the Romodanov Institute. Then six months later, another bypass. Massages, examinations by neurosurgeons, examinations, rehabilitation measures - these were the first three years of the girl's life.

Unfortunately, after three years, the girl began to have seizures. She was diagnosed with epilepsy. Yes, anticonvulsant drugs, which are very expensive, were added to all other treatment. Liza's parents went out of their way to provide their daughter with proper treatment. Thanks to this, Liza confidently graduated from secondary school and entered the Chernihiv Polytechnic. While still at school, she had friends who still take care of her. The girl likes to study and communicate with her peers, but first covid and then the war bring changes to her difficult life. But all the complexities of a difficult childhood life and the constant struggle for life hardened the girl's steel character.

It is now Liza's third year of online education. She really misses communication with fellow students, but she does not give up. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, her village was under occupation for almost a month. Liza supported everyone, although it was very difficult for her emotionally. Her dad did the impossible. He is the sole breadwinner of the family. Mother is unable to work, because due to convulsions Liza cannot be alone.

The family's financial situation is very difficult and there is always not enough money for all the necessary medicines. This strong and strong-willed girl needs our support!

Full name: Elyzaveta Semenchenko, 16.10.2004
City: Ripky town, Chernihiv region
Diagnosis: Symptomatic epilepsy
ID: 9383

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


26.07.2024 16:30
126.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.07.2024 07:09
180.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.07.2024 19:23
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.07.2024 11:57
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 19:23
2000.00 UAH
All donors
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