Iron captivity. 3
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At the age of 12, Andrii weighs only 19 kg. He has a rare neurodegenerative disease - Hallervorden-Spatz disease and protein-energy deficiency. It means that Andrei is critically underweight. The boy is fed through a tube and constantly needs a special Resource Junior formula.
We will recall the story of Andrii. Aliona's pregnancy went well, but due to the baby's oxygen starvation, doctors performed a cesarean section on her. At first, Andrii developed normally, but he started speaking late.
Then Andrii began to gradually lose his skills. At the age of three, his gait was disturbed: he began to drag his right leg and stumble. At the age of 5, Andrii stopped walking, by the age of eight he could no longer speak, sit or walk.
In addition, Andrii suddenly has severe muscle spasms due to pain, excitement, and changes in the weather. He regularly takes 3 drugs prescribed by a neurologist to stop these dystonic attacks.
For many years, attempts to understand the cause of the disease did not yield results. Only in 2019 at the Institute of Neurosurgery named after Romodanov Andrii was diagnosed with Hallervorden-Spatz disease, in which iron is deposited in brain cells and damages them. Andrii is the only patient with this disease in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
Over the past year, when Andrii is constantly receiving special food, he has improved in his development: he began to use his hands, sit for a short time with support (he does not hold his head), stand with support, turn over in bed, and fulfill simple requests.
The sounds of sirens and explosions do not frighten the boy: he does not understand what war is and does not realize the dangers.
We are launching a new fundraiser for special food Resource Junior to provide Andriy for 6 months. Alyona takes care of her son alone, the father is not involved in the child's life. Dear friends, please support Andriy so that he always has quality food!
Full name: | Andrii Bevza, 29.02.2012 |
City: | Dnipro |
Diagnosis: | Hallervorden-Spatz disease, protein-energy deficiency |
ID: | 9942 |
Володимир Тимофієв
03.03.2025 13:55
250.00 UAH |
Екатерина Пинчук
28.02.2025 21:27
105.00 UAH |
Charity donation
28.02.2025 20:23
15.00 UAH |
Володимир Тимофієв
28.02.2025 14:31
500.00 UAH |
Charity donation
27.02.2025 22:06
10.00 UAH |