Fulfil Diana's dream - to walk
Fulfil Diana's dream - to walk

Fulfil Diana's dream - to walk

The project is carried by
Started: 11.05.2016
Totally raised
14325.0 UAH
Total goal
14325.00 UAH

Diana was born in 2001. Act of delivery was heavy, premature,doctors saved two - mom and daughter. After 7 days doctors have said that everything will be alright. As time went on, and it was not so. At first, the young mother said that the child has developmental delay, and in 1.9 years girl was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

"We were shocked, my husband accused me and told me that I knew and did not say. On that day, I was sent to a psychologist lecture. They explained that the ICP is not treated and is my child disabled for life. The purpose of my life - to learn to eat, go to the toilet, that cruel people can be hurt and not to accept these children. After these words I do not want to live, it seemed it was all over, broken dreams, no future. Then the search began for what and how to help her daughter. It was a lot of techniques, doctors, clinics, healers, medicine, "- says mother Diana.

Later Stepanchuk family learned about the International Clinic of Professor Kozijavkin. In this time Diana could not even sit. The doctor said after the inspection, that the prospects there, but we have to work. After 4 days of treatment the girl sat. Joy was no chapel at the time and girl's mother decided that she would fight this disease and to do everything to her daughter lived to the maximum, as a healthy child. Doctors recommend treatments 3 times per year. Between them massages, gymnastics, horse, vitamins and more. At the next course of treatment of 4.6 years Diana start to crawl. In the future, take steps with the support. But it grows back and tone. Treatment should be repeated. Close tried to perform everything, but only the  Diana's father don't believe in her recovery. He became ashamed of his daughter, and finally, when Diana was 7 years old, her parents divorced. Today, the words of Diana's mother, that he does not take part in her life, does not help and does not see her.

Over time, mother met another man who loved her, and Diana, did not hesitate to walk with her.

"He said he would help us in our life is not an easy road. We got married and now have two more children: a boy and a girl 3 years 1 year old. We are a happy family! At work. Diana entered the secondary school and is now in the 7th grade. In school, you must surely be someone from the parents, and we help Diana get an education at a time. She also attends acting classes and had 3 roles in productions. She goes swimming in invosporte and has 2 adult category in its category. She loves to sing. She takes part in social celebrations. She is a very cheerful girl who loves life, people, dreams that once get married, and she will be kids. We want to do everything for this. And one of the very necessary - it is regularly treated in the International Clinic. Me and my husband works in a sports club. Husband is teacher, I am the coach. We are volunteers of the charity fund. Family income does not allow to pay for the necessary treatment. We really need help and support, "- apply to the help of people who care mother Natalia.

The next course in the clinic in Truskavets - the possibility for Diana to become a full, healthy and necessary to society. That is why Stepanchuk family apply for help all the people to help Diana to recover feet.


Name: Stepanchuk Diana, 15 June 2001

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Movement disorders 3 levels.

ID: 2242
Charity donation
15.07.2016 12:01
3382.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.07.2016 11:41
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.07.2016 10:35
200.00 UAH
Олічка С.
14.07.2016 23:31
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.07.2016 22:40
20.00 UAH
All donors

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