Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020
Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020

Health for Veronica’s legs. 2020

The project is carried by
Started: 01.09.2020
Totally raised
24600.0 UAH
Total goal
24600.00 UAH
The purpose of the project is to raise funds for the purchase of a medical permit for Veronica in the rehabilitation center "Step by Step" from January 18, 2021 to January 29, 2021.
Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Payment for a medical permit 24600.00
Total project costs 24600.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 24600.00
Charity donation
31.12.2020 17:01
13851.85 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2020 16:59
500.00 UAH
Сергій та Марина Білик
31.12.2020 13:47
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2020 01:54
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2020 20:48
203.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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