Maxym's life is stronger than death. 4
Maxym's life is stronger than death. 4

Maxym's life is stronger than death. 4

The project is carried by
Started: 05.03.2021
Totally raised
32000.0 UAH
Total goal
32000.00 UAH

This courageous boy survived clinical death, doctors practically pulled him out of the other world twice, he survived hydrocephalus, was in intensive care and was under a ventilator. The life of this boy – Maxim – turned out to be stronger than death. Having survived, he continued to fight, this time not with death, but with a terrible diagnosis that fetters his movements and development to this day.

Maxim has cerebral palsy, delayed speech and physical development. It took more than a year to overcome hydrocephalus, and the struggle with the underlying and concomitant diseases continues now. The boy will soon be 6 years old, and he still cannot sit, stand and walk on his own. However, Maxim is already pronouncing new words, turning over on his stomach, he now began to stand better at the support, independently holding on. After a big leap in growth, the boy's back weakened a little, but his mother received recommendations from doctors on how to fix this by doing homework.

The support of the Vatag family is very valuable, because this is almost the only chance for the boy to undergo the necessary rehabilitation.

Maxim's condition can be improved; he just needs not to miss treatment. However, for each course of rehabilitation, you need to look for funds that the family simply does not have. Therefore, they cannot cope without you. Help Maxim get a new course of treatment, support the boy who conquered death.

Full name: Vatah Maxym, 18.05.2015
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis G80, delayed speech and physical development
ID: 6929
Charity donation
27.04.2021 12:02
3236.83 UAH
Charity donation
27.04.2021 11:47
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
27.04.2021 11:17
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.04.2021 10:29
51.01 UAH
San Anton
27.04.2021 10:27
509.16 UAH
All donors

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