Blindly life
Blindly life

Blindly life

The project is carried by
Started: 02.04.2018
Donetsk region
Totally raised
8825.0 UAH
Total goal
8825.00 UAH

"I was trying to understand my child, from the early morning I was blindfolded and tried to do the usual housekeeping work, it was very hard, the feeling of helplessness and loss of space did not leave me, I did not stand for long, but I knew that when I will take the bandage off from my eyes. I will see the world and I would give everything to remove this bandage from the eyes of my child", sighs mother of Grygorii and strokes the hair of her son.

Third pregnancy was fragile as crystal vase, since the previous two ended with the miscarriage. Twins Grisha and Egor were born preterm with the weight of 900 grams. They could not breathe and eat by themselves. Doctors did everything they could to save the children, but Egor passed away…

The only one baby left and all the efforts and hope and love were given to Grisha. On one of the days, it turned out that Grisha can't see. Numerous surgeries in Ukraine and abroad put the family into depts. But the vision was not restored. Parents accepted the fact that the boy is visually impaired and will live in the world of sounds, touches, and smells. When the military actions started in Donetsk region, the family had to leave everything and move from the native city. Last year Grisha went to school in Sloviansk. He studies in the inclusive class together with 13 healthy kids. It is very difficult, but boy does his best. Also, he is singing and performs at the school events.

The toys for visually impaired children are very expensive and family uses improvised means, but there are things without which the future education and socialization of Grisha are impossible. He needs tools for writing and drawing graphs, shapes and formulas; writing slips; cane for orientation in space; special phone and a watch - these items can facilitate the child's learning and will allow to keep up with his development. 

How it feels to see nothing? Maybe the opportunity to hear and touch gives at least some understanding about things around? How you imagine the world which you have never seen? Is it safe? Help Grisha to leave in the world of the sighted!


Name: Nimich Grygorii, 17.12.2008

City: Sloviansk

Diagnosis: blindness of both eyes

ID: 3948
Charity donation
12.04.2018 16:20
390.57 UAH
Олена Д
12.04.2018 15:00
305.77 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2018 14:59
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2018 14:58
183.53 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2018 14:36
50.00 UAH
All donors

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