Life hangs by a thread
Life hangs by a thread

Life hangs by a thread

The project is carried by
Started: 09.08.2013
Totally raised
28460.0 UAH
Total goal
28460.00 UAH

At the National Institute of Cancer 300 children are operated every year. Every surgery requiresthe use of suture material. And it is always lacking at the pediatric department. The aim of our project is to raise money for such materials, to purchase them and to give them to the hospital.

Today surgeons can use different types of suture materials. These are materials of different strength, composition, thickness; for different types of tissues; those that resolve and one that doesn’t resolve.

This wide range allows you to select the type of material that not only facilitates the work of a doctor but also hastens wound healing, prevents from infections and in the case of suture material that resolves it helps to avoid new traumatization.

Despite the fact that there is suture materials at the National Institute of Cancer the pediatric department has additional needs. As here infants from the first days after birth and almost adult 18-year old boys and girls are treated. Each patient requires individual approach depending on body weight and degree of body tissue development.

Suture materials are not used not only for complex operations but also for simple ones like catheter insertion. Of course, without a full range of necessary materials the doctor’s work wouldn’t stop because they will use what is available. However, the presence of all possible options will facilitate the treatment of children who are already suffering more than enough from painful procedures.


ID: 688
Camelgroup Diamant
20.03.2014 23:35
1339.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.03.2014 23:34
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.03.2014 23:30
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.03.2014 23:11
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.03.2014 23:10
10.00 UAH
All donors

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