Zlata dreams of taking independent steps
Zlata dreams of taking independent steps

Zlata dreams of taking independent steps

The project is carried by
Started: 14.05.2024
Rivne region
Still needed
20593.53 UAH
Total goal
31900.00 UAH

The first six months of this little girl's life were typical for a newborn baby: Zlata ate well and gained weight, developed, rolled over, and even began to sit up on her own. However, at 6.5 months old, the girl had a fever and the first seizures. The doctors' conclusion was meningoencephalitis, with a 50-50 chance of survival.

But this brave girl not only survived, but is now fighting for a healthy childhood: Zlata has passed all the tests and is now fighting her first steps against the disease. The consequences of the disease were hemiparesis, or weakness, of the left side of the body and symptomatic epilepsy. Now the girl really needs rehabilitation. At the age of 7, Zlata can stand with support, walk with the help of adults and play with her right hand – the girl cannot do anything with her left. Due to the deformity of her feet, Zlata has to wear orthoses.

Since then, the girl has undergone 23 courses of treatment, 11 of which were abroad. The family is already financially exhausted, so they cannot pay for new rehabilitation courses and are asking us to help. The girl needs high-quality qualified rehabilitation, which we hope will help Zlata take her first independent steps. Please join our fundraiser!

Full name: Pakhaluk Zlata, 17.05.2017
City: Bushcha village, Rivne region
Diagnosis: G80.2 Cerebral palsy. Left-sided spastic hemiparesis. Motor disorders of level IV according to GMFCS. F80.1/ Underdevelopment of expressive speech. Symptomatic epilepsy with nocturnal myoclonus
ID: 9448

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
26.09.2024 21:04
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2024 20:21
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2024 18:34
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2024 08:52
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2024 08:18
200.00 UAH
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