It is possible to reduce child mortality
It is possible to reduce child mortality

It is possible to reduce child mortality

The project is carried by
Started: 07.04.2020
Totally raised
94750.0 UAH
Total goal
94750.00 UAH

Every day, very small patients with completely non-childhood diseases enter the intensive care unit. The age category of small patients begins from the tiniest and most defenseless – newborn babies and ends with almost adult teens. Children come with different pathologies. Often, small patients have only a set of symptoms and doctors need to establish an accurate diagnosis followed by a course of treatment.

Of course, an important step in the correct treatment is laboratory research, which allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis. Such studies require not only expensive equipment, but also consumables, which, unfortunately, are not available in the clinical laboratory of the Odessa Regional Children's Hospital.

At the moment, the full-fledged work of resuscitation of newborns, general resuscitation and resuscitation of cardiac surgery of the Odessa Regional Children's Clinical Hospital directly depends on the availability of the EasyStat reagent unit. This unit is used to perform the study of the acid-base balance of the blood, as well as the gas composition of the blood. Especially relevant for patients who undergo mechanical ventilation, as well as for patients with impaired microcirculation. Using only this reagent unit, you can perform about 90 analyzes within 30 days, after which replacement of this reagent unit is required. So, month after month...

At the end of May, during the installation of the reagent unit, technical malfunctions were detected in the gas blood analyzer, which served as a basis for further diagnostics. In the end, it was necessary to replace two parts in the equipment: the PO2 electrode and the probe cleaner. This ongoing repair was a serious test for the clinical laboratory staff, therefore, the supplier company provided the hospital with these parts, but they should be paid in the near future.

But resuscitation of cardiac surgery is not enough to have a team of cardiac surgeons with magic hands. They vitally need a “magic solution”, which is used when performing surgical interventions on a stopped heart – Custodial (cardioplegic solution). This drug saves a baby heart during a period of circulatory arrest. During surgery, the heart function is performed by the heart-lung machine. During this period, the heart muscle does not receive the nutrients and oxygen supplied by the blood. In order to prevent heart cells from experiencing nutritional deficiencies, prior to stopping circulation, a solution of Custodial is pumped. The solution saturates the cells with nutrients and makes it possible for some time to stop blood circulation without significant damage to the heart tissue. The absence of a miraculous solution leads to high risks of irreversible damage to the tissues of the heart of the child, and subsequently to more deplorable results.

Of course, the supply of reagents and solution for the operation is carried out extremely irregularly, and the purchase of a small supply of these materials will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the children's intensive care unit of the hospital for 3 months and save more than a dozen small lives!

To purchase, you must:
- EasyStat reagent block – 4 pcs.
- custodial (cardioplegic solution) – 12 vials,
- PO2 electrode – 1 pc.,
- probe cleaner – 1 pc.

The chance for a healthy and fulfilling life of small inhabitants of Odessa is in your hands!

Let's save them together!

ID: 6006
Charity donation
06.07.2020 12:42
0.18 UAH
10 UAH
06.07.2020 12:30
53814.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2020 02:57
5113.36 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2020 02:10
3578.84 UAH
Charity donation
06.07.2020 01:57
3578.84 UAH
All donors

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