Free the princess from the evil spell! 8
Free the princess from the evil spell! 8

Free the princess from the evil spell! 8

The project is carried by
Started: 19.05.2021
Dnipro region
Totally raised
14000.0 UAH
Total goal
14000.00 UAH

Friends, for the third year we have been helping little Nastya to have a healthy childhood. A lot has already been achieved, but it is too early to stop. Nastya, with her mother's help, wrote you a letter:

"Hello everyone! Who does not know me, let's get acquainted, my name is Nastya and I am 7 years old. I want to immediately thank everyone who supports me and helps me to reach my goal, your kind hearts give me hope that my dream of becoming a full-fledged and happy girl will soon come true. Thank you so much, your support and help is very important for me".

Thanks to regular rehabilitation, the girl got stronger, became more confident, learned to better control her emotions and movements, and a great desire to be independent appeared.

"Very soon a new stage will begin in my life. I will become a first grader. This is a very important step for me and my parents. But, unfortunately, I will not be able to go to school, I will not sit at the same desk with my classmates, which makes me very sad. In order to go to school, I have to train a lot, visit rehabilitation centers, treat my legs. All this takes a lot of time, which I have, and a lot of financial resources, which, unfortunately, my family doesn’t have enough", the letter continues.

Nastya's family is from the Donetsk region, affected by the hostilities. Until 2014, parents coped with all the difficulties themselves. Now they are forced to ask people to participate.

"My dear friends, I really ask for your help, I really hope for your support. My dear wizards, please help me to get closer to my dream. I sincerely believe that together with you I will succeed, that one day I will go to the doorstep of my school, to my class and say: "... Hello everyone, I'm Nastya!" Please help me take this first step, a step into my school life".

We believe that the dream of a little girl will soon come true and we will be proud of our schoolgirl!

Full name: Atamanenko Anastasia, 20.11.2013
City: Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, diplegic form with stable paraparesis with impaired locomotor movement, delayed psycho-speech development
ID: 7123
Charity donation
01.07.2021 16:35
501.63 UAH
Charity donation
01.07.2021 13:00
203.67 UAH
01.07.2021 05:45
94.70 UAH
Charity donation
30.06.2021 21:53
90.64 UAH
30.06.2021 21:05
509.16 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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