One birthday saved 15 children's lives

One birthday saved 15 children's lives

On 28 April, Sabina Musina, an ambassador of the platform and an influencer, celebrated her birthday, which she dedicated for the third time to helping children with congenital heart disease. During the celebration, almost UAH 1,500,000 was raised.

In total, 15 children's lives were saved thanks to the funds raised!

The donations made it possible to pay for the purchase of 15 heart implants for children with congenital heart disease.

Eldar is one of those children whose lives were saved by the charity fundraiser.

Eldar was born in Bakhmut, Donetsk Oblast. The boy was born prematurely weighing 2.2 kg. His parents found out about his congenital heart defect when Eldar was 3 months old. At that time, doctors gave hope that the defect could close by itself by the age of one, but a miracle did not happen. During the next examination, the doctors said that it would be necessary to perform surgery when the child's weight was 12-13 kg. 

All the time, Eldar was often ill (bronchitis, which even brought him to the intensive care unit, constant colds, intestinal infections, COVID19).

When finally his weight allowed for surgery and his parents planned a trip to the Amosov Institute, a full-scale invasion began. A month after the war began, the family was forced to leave their hometown of Bakhmut and flee to nowhere just to survive. All the money they had saved for the implant was spent. Now the house where the family lived is destroyed. The family lives in the city of Dnipro in a rented apartment. 

The payments they receive as IDPs are spent on rent and utility bills. The boy's parents work, but earn a low income and spend a lot of money on medicines for their son, who is often ill.

The defect began to grow and Eldar needed surgery as soon as possible.

Recently, thanks to Sabina Musina's fundraising, we bought an implant for the boy. The operation went well and now Eldar is healthy.

And this is just one of the stories of saving children's lives that we have managed to save together in the two years since the collection has been launched.

The total amount raised over two years exceeded UAH 8,000,000, which has already saved 91 children's lives.

Saved child's heart