Adam wants to walk. 2
Adam wants to walk. 2

Adam wants to walk. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 01.10.2020
Zakarpatia region
Totally raised
24000.0 UAH
Total goal
24000.00 UAH

Adam's dad died when the baby was only 3 months old, so the boy is going through his difficult childhood with his mother, who is trying with all her might to put her son on his feet. And it is not easy to do this when a boy has cerebral palsy.  In order to maintain a stable condition of her son, a woman spends about 15 thousand UAH monthly.

Adam's mother recalls that the birth was difficult, she and her son were discharged home only on the 4th day.  A few days later, the baby experienced the first convulsions in his life.  Scary sight: Adam began to shake his arm and leg, his face tilted to one side. The worried parents urgently went to the hospital, brain vessels ultrasound and resuscitation, then – the terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

The treatment began with seizures: the doctors were able to find drugs that significantly reduced them, because Adam is now much better. Then the rehabilitation began. Recently, thanks to your support, the boy was able to get on the first course of rehabilitation at a specialized center in Kiev. The boy's mother expresses her gratitude to everyone, because Adam has improved in his condition, and this is priceless!

Rehabilitation with Adam's diagnosis must be carried out systematically, and the mother, who is raising her son on her own, simply cannot pay for the treatment. We ask everyone to support Adam and not leave him and his mother alone with the disease!


Full name: Adam Jawicki, 07.07.2017
City: v. Velyka Kopanya, Transcarpathian region
Diagnosis: polycystic lecomalacia. Hypoxic-ischemic, infectious-toxic lesions of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis with a deep delay in psycho-speech and statokinetic development. Episyndrome. Partial optic nerve atrophy
ID: 6427
Charity donation
22.10.2020 12:00
439.25 UAH
Charity donation
22.10.2020 11:41
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
22.10.2020 09:46
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.10.2020 09:35
10.00 UAH
Дмитро і Анастасія Антонченко
22.10.2020 07:55
96.83 UAH
All donors

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