Angels exist, and they have wings... 3
Angels exist, and they have wings... 3

Angels exist, and they have wings... 3

The project is carried by
Started: 01.07.2020
Odessa region
Totally raised
383716.61 UAH
Total goal
510520.00 UAH
27.09.2022 14:02
Cancellation of part of the raised funds ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! According to the information from the Operator of Help, contact with the ward was lost, which makes the implementation of the project impossible, the collection was stopped and part of the raised funds…
27.09.2022 13:17
Відміна проекта
Lubov CО Blagovischennia
Шановні донори! У зв’язку з тим, що після смерті мами Андрія (восени 2021р) інші родичі на зв'язок з нами не виходили, про стан здоров’я Андрія і про подальші плани на лікування нам не повідомляли з УББ було уз…
22.09.2022 14:03
Fundraising for the project has been suspended
Dear donors! This project was suspended due to circumstances that arose during the fundraising process. As soon as we receive comments from the author of the project, the fundraising will be resumed or permanently …
15.09.2021 12:14
News about the project from ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! This project has been partially implemented, the Operator of help has already added an interim report to the site. You can view the reporting documentation in the "Reports and Documents" section of thi…
30.08.2021 23:42
Lubov CО Blagovischennia
Дорогие доноры!  С 03.07.21 по 25.07.21 Андрій пройшов відновне лікування у реабілітаційному центрі Сосни. Стан його значно покращився, поліпшилась координація рухів, зміцнілись м'язи, Андрій став більш моти…
Charity donation
22.09.2022 07:39
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.09.2022 12:26
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.09.2022 11:17
100.00 UAH
21.09.2022 01:12
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.09.2022 22:14
50.00 UAH
All donors

Reports are ready,
The project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Reports are ready

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