I’m running so that Andryusha lives without pain! Margarita and Valeria
I’m running so that Andryusha lives without pain! Margarita and Valeria

I’m running so that Andryusha lives without pain! Margarita and Valeria

The project is carried by
Started: 20.09.2019
Totally raised
5000.0 UAH
Total goal
5000.00 UAH

Valeria Vishnevskaya is a project manager in the field of Internet marketing.Margarita Gromova - team leader on the site on employment Work.ua. We have been friends for more than a year and are engaged in crossfit together. We are united by many things, and now we will be united by a common good deed! Together we will run a ten-kilometer distance in Wizz Air Kyiv City Marathon and not only in order to put another tick in terms of competition and not only in order to set a personal record. Our other goal is to help the five-year-old Andryusha Moskalenko get the better of epilepsy.

A terrible situation is when a child suffers from constant epileptic seizures, and drugs do not help. Andrey's family found a way out. Keto-therapy was the only treatment that helped the baby. The number of attacks has become much less. In order to maintain and improve the result, Andrei needs to go to a private clinic about 3 times a year.

The treatment is effective, but also expensive. We are running this fall to partially pay the clinic bill for Andryusha! Join us, and together we will help the baby live without pain and actively develop!

Project help Andryusha you can see here.
Runners team at Wizz Air Kyiv City Marathon collects part of the required amount.

ID: 5481
Ростислав Пихтирёв
06.10.2019 16:42
0.89 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2019 13:15
465.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2019 10:28
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
04.10.2019 17:02
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
04.10.2019 16:48
203.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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