Brothers deserve to be healthy! 2
Brothers deserve to be healthy! 2

Brothers deserve to be healthy! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 10.02.2020
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
96000.0 UAH
Total goal
96000.00 UAH
Collection project “Brothers deserve to be healthy! 2 "is another joint project of the BF KIYAN with the International Charitable Foundation" Ukrainian Philanthropic Market ", which was supposed to help raise funds to pay for treatment courses for Ivan and Nikita Koshilevs. The Koshilevs Nikita and Vanechka underwent 2 courses of treatment at the Center for Brain Stimulation in Kiev from 09.12. until 23.12.2020 and 04/28/2021. until 12.05.2021 After the courses of treatment, the twins are showing positive dynamics. One of the twins, Vanechka, learned to sit without the aid of his hands, and Nikita's spasticity decreased, which caused a lot of pain to the baby.
Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Treatment 96000.00
Total project costs 96000.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 96000.00
Charity donation
30.04.2020 16:18
0.81 UAH
Oleg Vashkulat
30.04.2020 13:45
3576.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.04.2020 13:36
407.85 UAH
Charity donation
30.04.2020 13:32
54.30 UAH
Charity donation
30.04.2020 12:29
101.96 UAH
All donors

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