The help for Tania
The help for Tania

The help for Tania

The project is carried by
Started: 18.11.2014
Dnipropetrovsk region
Totally raised
22234.0 UAH
Total goal
22234.00 UAH

Tanya is 17 years old, the expected wonderful years of youth and joy ahead. But all good things in her life were crossed by disease. In 2013 Tanya was diagnosed with lymphogranulomatosis. A long process of treatment has started. Tanya's family asks for help raise funds for 2 packs of Vfend. Tania has a family with many children, she has a twin sister and a brother. Her mother grows three children by her own and doesn't have enough money for the treatment. And she has no one to help her.

Tania is a modest and serious girl, she diligently went to school and has finished with honors in 2012. The girl dreamed to become a chef and to cook delicious for all her large family. Tania entered culinary school. She goes to school with great please and was happy with new interesting stage of her life.

In February 2013 Tania felt unwell and went to the Central District Hospital for medical help. There she underцуте medical tests. Analyzes were bad, the girl was admitted to the hospital on the same day. She was transferred to Dnipropetrovsk in the infectious department. There doctors have been done all analyzes and Tania was transferred to the department of surgery, where the operation was performed to remove the lymph node and bone marrow puncture was taken. The survey was diagnosed lymphogranulomatosis. So, Tania became a patient of the Hematology Department of the Dnipropetrovsk clinic.

Tania is going throw a long process of treatment, as well as fear, pain and uncertainty. Due to prolonged chemotherapy, girl’s immunity is very weak, fungal infection was sowed. Girl fights infection using expensive drugs. Tania needs anti-fungal drugs "Vfend" to continue therapy. The price of one package is 11 117 UAH. One course needs 2 packages.

Let's help fulfill the dream of Tania to continue studying, and, of course, to be healthy!


Name: Tetiana I. Paigina, born 23/06/1997

Location: Dnipropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: lymphogranulomatosis

ID: 1180
Влад Щербанюк
08.01.2015 22:34
1040.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 21:06
25.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 20:55
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 20:16
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2015 18:55
50.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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