Help future artist defeat the disease!
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The diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma this young smiling young man get in February 2016. Once in school, during physical education classes Vanya sprained left foot. The boy did not give to this particular importance. He went to the hospital, where there were already a lot of pain in the left hip, weakness, lethargy, began to rise the temperature According to the results computed tomography revealed a malignant tumor - Ewing's sarcoma.
The doctors prescribed chemotherapy. Vanya is very difficult to respond "chemistry", fall blood tests. The guy lost appetite, and not in the mood, but he does not give up. It is very hard physically and mentally, but he do not lose hope and continues to fight for his life
Ivan was born and raised in Luhansk region. In August 2014 due to the hostilities in the East, the boy's family was forced to leave his home and move to Kharkov. The boy continued his studies at the Kharkov school №69, but from illness Grade 10 and has not had time to finish.
Vanya is a sports guy: engaged on the bar and loves everything to do with football. He also draws beautifully.
Vanya must to continue the treatment, he can not stop. For the next course of chemotherapy drugs are needed for the amount of 25 531 UAH. Except Vanya, the family of Kashirskich has four children. The sum is huge for a large family.
Vanya asks to help raise the necessary funds for the purchase of drugs, as his parents haven't got the financial ability. Despite all the stress experienced, this young man believes that everything will be good and he will be able to return to normal life. His dream - to become artist - will come true!
Please, support Vanya!
Name: Kashirskich Ivan Ivanovich, 03.02.1999
Сity: Lugansk region, Rovenki
Diagnosis: Ewing’s sarcoma (endothelial myeloma)
ID: | 2347 |
Charity donation
20.07.2016 18:28
100.00 UAH |
Денис О.
20.07.2016 18:10
50.00 UAH |
Charity donation
20.07.2016 18:02
430.00 UAH |
Charity donation
20.07.2016 17:39
20.00 UAH |
Charity donation
20.07.2016 17:35
140.00 UAH |
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