Let's help Myroslava overcome the Illness
Let's help Myroslava overcome the Illness

Let's help Myroslava overcome the Illness

The project is carried by
Started: 02.09.2021
Dnipro region
Totally raised
42000.0 UAH
Total goal
42000.00 UAH

When she was born, Myroslava did not scream, her small body was purple, it was shackled by convulsions. The girl had no reflexes, and there was no muscle tone. Myroslava was urgently transferred to intensive care and her life was saved there. The girl survived, but the doctors stated that she had epilepsy, cerebral palsy and developmental delay.

At first there was a vicious circle – epileptic seizures did not allow for rehabilitation – but they managed to break it. With Myroslava, they first began to study at home, and then she went to the first full-fledged rehabilitation. Now the girl is already 10 years old, and behind her shoulders is a considerable number of treatment courses, each of which brought something new to the development of the girl.

After the last such course in Myroslavy, the volume of passive movements increased and the positive dynamics in the performance of the main brain improved, the girl “babbles” well, and sometimes even utters separate words! These are small victories that have no price!

There is more to come, but subject to timely and systematic treatment. We really want Myroslava to be able to talk about even more of her own victories, but for this she needs to get a new rehabilitation course in a specialized center in the near future. Can we help her with this?

Full name: Briushynina Myroslava, 01.01.2011
City: Marganets, Dnipropetrovsk region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy, mental retardation
ID: 7411
Charity donation
09.09.2021 13:00
193.68 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 12:02
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 11:26
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 10:13
5.18 UAH
Charity donation
09.09.2021 09:53
20.38 UAH
All donors

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