Let's help Vikulia to overcome the disease! 2
Let's help Vikulia to overcome the disease! 2

Let's help Vikulia to overcome the disease! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 06.10.2020
Totally raised
20000.0 UAH
Total goal
20000.00 UAH

The skills and abilities that parents see in their children from the first years of life, Vika showed only by the age of six. And even then thanks to daily training and the search for optimal treatment methods. Due to the high degree of epileptic activity, for a long time they could not carry out special examinations of the brain in order to understand the cause of the girl's developmental lag.

Today, after six years of medical treatment, patience, hope and painstaking physical work, parents see in their Vikulia a cheerful and active girl with a difficult character and a great interest in the world around her. Behind - seven courses of rehabilitation in Kozyavkin center, in Truskavets, two courses in Apis-Melifika center, Khmelnitsky, treatment at Kharkov Institute of Orthopedics and Prosthetics and Surgery according to the Ulzibat method. And today, after so many attempts to find the right treatment, in the Zaporizhzhia rehabilitation center "Sovenok" they picked up their "key" to this fragile girl.

Since January 2020, under the supervision of neurologists, Viktoria has been attending speech therapist, physiotherapist, and Tomatis therapy courses. Great news was the latest examination with an electroencephalograph: the left hemisphere and the occipital part of the brain began to work actively - just those that are responsible for speech, coordination and self-control. And this is a huge victory for a child who was so cruelly called a "vegetable" at birth.

Vikusya knows the alphabet, distinguishes between alive and inanimate objects, animals, colors, numbers. She remembers new people, walks with support, and almost sits on her own. Gradually learns to pick up objects, plasticine. But the most important thing is Viktoria's beaming smile! What else does mom need to be happy?

Viktoria Khimich underwent three rehabilitation courses at the Sovenok center, and the fourth is coming soon. The foundation has already helped Vikusya start her rehabilitation in January. The family was able to pay for two more on their own. The last one this year will take place if we will support our Vika again.

Full name: Khimich Victoria, 05.01.2014
City: Zaporizhzhya city
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 6430
Charity donation
21.10.2020 15:53
567.20 UAH
Charity donation
21.10.2020 12:23
50.00 UAH
20.10.2020 20:14
278.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.10.2020 14:14
150.00 UAH
Валерия Валериевна
20.10.2020 13:26
71.28 UAH
All donors

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