Help me become a warrior! 5
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5-year-old Gleb only recently began to pronounce the first words and show his emotions. And the reason for this was the events that happened to the baby immediately after birth: the boy was born half-dead - the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, the heartbeat went off scale, the boy started having convulsions and cerebral edema, Gleb was in intensive care, and subsequently fell into a medication sleep.
Then Gleb was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy and delayed psychomotor development, with which the boy is struggling to this day. Gleb's treatment began at the age of 5 months, and it continues to this day. Each new rehabilitation is a step forward in the development of the boy. We are marching with you, our dear assistants. After the last rehabilitation course, Gleb is more and more conscious, he has very good eye contact, he is loudly happy and angry.
The boy begins to engage in dialogue, however, while still in his own language, but this is an indicator that he understands everything. Gleb is in very good contact with his parents and shows his feelings, this is wonderful, because the parents see that their son loves them very much. The kid learned to sit without support on the handles, supporting himself with his back, and this is a very good result.
Gleb's successes make our family and us very happy, and we really want them not to disappear. And for this we need your support: help Gleb get back to rehabilitation in a specialized center, help him become a hero!
Full name: | Prylypko Glib, 15.07.2015 |
City: | Volnogorsk, Dnipropetrovsk region |
Diagnosis: | cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia with persistent movement disorders, symptomatic epilepsy with myoclonic and partial seizures, severe psychomotor retardation |
ID: | 6765 |
Charity donation
19.02.2021 22:39
1140.31 UAH |
Charity donation
19.02.2021 20:34
51.01 UAH |
Charity donation
19.02.2021 19:48
101.83 UAH |
Charity donation
19.02.2021 19:11
200.00 UAH |
Charity donation
19.02.2021 15:35
5.09 UAH |
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