If it were not for one "if". 4
If it were not for one "if". 4

If it were not for one "if". 4

The project is carried by
Started: 06.04.2020
Totally raised
39000.0 UAH
Total goal
39000.00 UAH

Born, tiny Evgen did not scream, the ventilator helped him breathe, and the doctors did everything to keep the baby alive. The boy suffered three resuscitations, his life hung in the balance, but Zhenia survived. It is difficult to say what could have happened if help had not been provided on time... It is difficult to think that the boy could have been healthy, if not for a series of terrible circumstances...

The baby spent the first 3 months of his life in the hospital, and only his condition improved, the doctors diagnosed Evgen with cerebral palsy, a delay in psycho-speech development, microcephaly and symptomatic epilepsy. Evgen immediately began to heal. With each new course of treatment, the boy’s condition improves, and after the last course of treatment Evgen is already sitting on his own, holding his hand, stands on all fours for several seconds.

Zhenia's chewing reflex is progressing and grabbing has appeared, he has become more conscious and attentive.
These are very good results, but it is too early to dwell on this. That is why we are starting to raise funds for a new rehabilitation course for Eugene. We believe that together we can help the boy and make his childhood truly happy and healthy.


Name: Polishchuk Evgenii, 24.06.2016

City: Kyiv

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis with persistent motor impairment, severe psychoverbal developmental delay, secondary microcephaly, symptomatic epilepsy, polymorphic and generalized seizures resistant to anticonvulsant therapy


ID: 6003
Олександр Дроздов
15.05.2020 10:51
2417.71 UAH
Charity donation
15.05.2020 10:08
916.50 UAH
Charity donation
15.05.2020 07:53
101.96 UAH
Yevgen Grynke
15.05.2020 07:45
101.96 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
15.05.2020 07:43
71.37 UAH
All donors

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