Egor needs medicine. Help!
Egor needs medicine. Help!

Egor needs medicine. Help!

The project is carried by
Started: 15.11.2022
Totally raised
24058.0 UAH
Total goal
24058.00 UAH

Mother Oksana says that her son is in a hurry to live as if he is afraid that he will not have enough time to learn about the world, friends, and new discoveries due to illness. This year, despite his condition, he entered the first grade. Yehor dreamed of school and new friends, but the war took them away. We believe that together we will help him overcome the disease, and Yehorchik will be able to live long and comfortably under a peaceful sky.

The boy has a severe genetic disease – cystic fibrosis. Every day, he and his mother must fight back against the disease to breathe and live. Each day the boy has to eat handfuls of pills, make inhalations, and do physical therapy to clear sputum. And now there are explosions, many hours in Kharkiv bomb shelters, and disturbing news. 

Because of the disease, the mucus in Yehor's lungs, liver, pancreas, and intestines are thicker than it should be, and this greatly disrupts the work of his tiny body. He needs expensive liver medications, vitamins, and inhalation solutions every day. Inhalation is essential. They should not be missed, otherwise, sputum will linger in the lungs, and it will become more challenging to breathe daily. The lungs filled with thick mucus are a favorable environment for bacteria that are difficult or even impossible to cure if they settle down and begin to destroy lung tissue. Stocks of medicines are decreasing and decreasing, and the family does not have enough funds to buy them at all. 

We ask for your help to send the baby several months' supply of medicines quickly. 

Full name: Linkov Egor, 12.02.2016
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: Cystic fibrosis
ID: 8399
Charity donation
18.11.2022 20:49
2135.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.11.2022 19:14
70.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.11.2022 15:28
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.11.2022 11:42
120.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.11.2022 10:29
200.00 UAH
All donors

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