I want to sing along to the birds! 3
I want to sing along to the birds! 3

I want to sing along to the birds! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 29.01.2020
Totally raised
44500.0 UAH
Total goal
44500.00 UAH

Sanka Ostrovsky, like many boys, has a lot of his innermost desires. Starting from modern models of cars, designers and picture books, to travel to distant lands. And, despite the fact that Sasha has cerebral palsy and bilateral relative deafness, he does not consider himself to be any special and confidently communicates with peers and friends. Almost confidently... For complete happiness, he lacks just learning to speak. To respond with the same sharp jokes to jokes of children, to discuss the last cool cartoon and in the morning say: "Good morning, mother!". 

Parents of "special" children from the moment of their birth always have a choice: to accept fate or to enter into an argument with it and to try to make the life of the child as full as possible. Sasha's mom chose the second option. And nothing is alone. But she has already precisely sure that a lot of the things can be corrected, corrected, having entrusted life of the child to experts. Thank you that in the life of Sasha’s mom and Sasha there are those who hold up when it seems that it is already bad. And support is necessary, including financial support.

Could Svetlana have imagined 10 years ago that the expression "Peace is not without good people!" was about her and her Sanka?! It is thanks to all friends and strangers her son Sanka has already passed 6 rehabilitation courses at the Speech Restoration Center "Loguar" in Odessa! The individual approach and qualified work of all specialists helps Alexander to achieve previously inaccessible results and continue to believe in his forces. He knows the multiplication table, starts to make sentences correctly, increased the vocabulary. Even one month of rehabilitation gives amazing results! And those who supported our Sasha in previous projects can be proud that they will forever become a part of his life.

Rehabilitation in the speech restoration center "Loguar," Odessa has been already begin in March 2020. The total cost of the course is 44 500 UAH.

Earlier at UBB, we already raised funds for Sasha. You can view previous projects here.


Name: Ostrovskyi Olexandr, 07.06.2008

City: Berdiansk

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss 2-3 degree

ID: 5768
З любов'ю !!!
23.03.2020 08:01
79.30 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
23.03.2020 06:44
71.37 UAH
Annamariia Baleha
23.03.2020 00:50
1000.00 UAH
Annamariia Baleha
23.03.2020 00:40
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.03.2020 23:06
50.97 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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