I want to live despite all the obstacles
I want to live despite all the obstacles

I want to live despite all the obstacles

The project is carried by
Started: 12.04.2024
Dnipro region
Still needed
69750.00 UAH
Total goal
83853.00 UAH

There are five people in Yana’s family – and all five have disabilities. Yana has cerebral palsy and underweight, her parents have neurological diagnoses, her grandfather was diagnosed with a tumor, her grandmother is caring for everyone, herself after a fracture of the hip joint.

Until the age of nine months, Yana could sit, roll over and crawl. But one day baby’s temperature first dropped sharply – to 34, and then rose to 38. Epileptic seizures began, the child was taken to intensive care and was diagnosed with viral encephalitis. Later, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy was added to epilepsy.

Yana has lost all her skills. She has an impaired swallowing reflex and is severely underweight, so Yana receives special Resource Junior nutrition through a tube. The grandmother asks for help in raising 79,860 UAH to provide her granddaughter with special food, medicines and care products.

In January 2023, Yana was diagnosed with protein-energy malnutrition – an energy deficiency due to a lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The girl then weighed only 24 kg, and now she weighs even less – 23.5 kg.

Over the past year, Yana underwent 8 bougienage operations under general anesthesia due to narrowing of the esophagus, when it was expanded with special instruments. If the narrowing continues, a gastrostomy tube will be placed in the abdominal wall, which will allow food and medications to be administered directly into the stomach.

Since the girl is bedridden, a lot of mucus accumulates in her respiratory tract. The Tsarichanka community helped buy a suction device so that Yana could breathe easier. And to relieve bronchospasm, Pulmicort and Berodual were prescribed for 1,200 UAH/month.

Yana also needs hygiene products: diapers, diapers, wet wipes. This is an additional monthly expense of 3,640 UAH.

Yana's parents have a neurological disability. Mom gets around with the help of a crutch. The grandfather was diagnosed with a tumor. And the grandmother, who took care of all family members, had a fracture of the hip joint and now every step causes severe pain.

We are opening a collection to buy Yana special food, medicines and hygiene products for six months. Let's help the family provide their child with everything they need!

Full name: Yana Samilova, 23.05.2010
City: Tsarichanka village, Dnipro region
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia, structural epilepsy
ID: 9367

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


07.06.2024 14:48
120.00 UAH
Paul Zavorotnikov
06.06.2024 12:59
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.05.2024 11:58
400.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.05.2024 06:34
171.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.05.2024 21:10
120.00 UAH
All donors
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