Every day worth its weight in gold
Every day worth its weight in gold

Every day worth its weight in gold

The project is carried by
Started: 15.03.2019
Totally raised
20085.45 UAH
Total goal
20085.45 UAH

If you ask how much a child’s life is worth, everyone will answer: it is priceless. And if we are talking about 3 or 5 years, can they be assigned a price? 14-year-old Nastya not only struggles with the disease, but leads the game of life with time, trying to "play" with him for at least several years. An expensive operation in Japan will allow the girl to walk for a while, hug her mother, communicate with her four-legged friends, enjoy the sunshine. Let's give Nastya the most expensive - time. 

Two years ago, Inna, the mother of the girl Anastasia, who lives with an incurable disease, turned to the charity foundation “Helping”. Then, thanks to the help of people, it turned out to collect the missing amount for the operation in Japan. But the disease has returned again.

Nastya has a rare genetic disease: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, when the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are covered with tumor-like formations. Her father and grandmother died from this disease. In developed countries, the practice of treating such a disease is the same: as necessary, remove tumors. Only in our country it is not taken for it, because no experts and high-tech equipment. After years of searching and correspondence with various clinics, my mother managed to find a doctor in Japan. He agreed to carry out the most complicated operation, which was successful and gave the girl two more years of full life.

Today, Nastya urgently needs to repeat the operation, because the disease has become more aggressive due to hormonal surges. Over the past three months, the girl has already had 3 operations on the small intestine. Because of the numerous polyps, it is constantly twisted, and it must be returned to its place. But such situational operations do not solve problems, but only give a small delay.

Dr. Ishii from Tokyo is ready to perform a second operation, resect the mucous membrane of the small intestine, this will save the organ and prolong life. You need to go as soon as possible, because no one knows how much more intestines can work. It all comes down to an amount unaffordable for the family. 2 500 000 Japanese yen, or 25 000 dollars, or 750 000 UAH. Such is the price of Nastya life. Without your help can not cope! Mom Inna does not lose hope, believes that there are many responsive people in our country.

Let's help the girl "play" another time from the time. Medicine does not stand still, perhaps in a couple of years they will find a cure for this disease. Just need to have them in stock. On UBB we collect part of the necessary amount - 300 000 UAH.

Before on UBB we have collected money Nastya. To view previous project You can use the link.


Name: Anastasia Lutsenko, 10.08.2004

City: Dnepr

Diagnosis: the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

ID: 4920
Charity donation
25.03.2019 07:20
30.55 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2019 22:22
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2019 20:55
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2019 19:39
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
24.03.2019 18:12
203.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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