Little Zhenia wants to see the world
Little Zhenia wants to see the world

Little Zhenia wants to see the world

The project is carried by
Started: 21.07.2022
Totally raised
40450.0 UAH
Total goal
40450.00 UAH

"Your girl has Down syndrome". And the Earth stopped spinning for Natalia. As in an old film, frames began to change one after another. A chain of fears from what was accumulated in the brain before about Down syndrome.

"What do I know about the syndrome?", Natalia asked herself. The most terrible thoughts came to mind and everything that the woman knew about this disease. Fear, pain, a lot of questions, misunderstanding. What now?.. However, from the moment when Natalia took her child from the hospital, she took responsibility for her life and for everything that will happen to her in the future. Consciously, with fear for the future, but, gritting her teeth, the woman went forward.

Her daughter Evgenia was treated for the whole "bouquet" of diseases. Physiotherapy, massages and stimulating exercises, gymnastics and swimming. Various types of rehabilitation, endless correctional teachers, speech therapists. Non-standard and cutting-edge techniques. Everything that can give progress in its development.

Heart problems, fortunately, disappeared with age, but Zhenia is still being seen by a doctor due to deviations from the norm. Problems with otitis and hearing loss were solved with the help of surgery. Mom made incredible efforts to maximize the development of her daughter in all aspects of life, so that Evgenia does not feel separated from society. The fight against different authorities, social restrictions and stereotypes in society gave a result: Evgenia was one of the first children who went to study in an inclusive form in a regular kindergarten. There she perfectly socialized and adapted, which later became a springboard for the opportunity to go to a regular gymnasium.

The greatest therapy is mother's love! But, unfortunately, Evgenia has another big problem: congenital cataracts in both eyes. Mom understood that the child would need to have an operation. Today, the girl's vision has begun to deteriorate, and it is no longer possible to postpone the operation – poor vision affects all the processes of the child's development.

Evgenia lives with her mother and brother. Permanent rehabilitations have depleted the financial resources of the family. Financial assistance from the state is insignificant, so the girl's mother is forced to seek help in order to purchase all the necessary medical materials for two ophthalmological operations on both of Zhenia's eyes.

"Asking why God is so hard on children and sends them such hard trials, I found the answer: each such child brings light to the souls of the people around him. Makes them kinder, more merciful. I believe that people are great in their hearts and deeds! We will embrace with heart and soul everyone who will help us in our trouble!", Evgenia’s mother addresses the donors with hope.

Full name: Evgenia Kosnitska, 25.08.2012
City: Vinnytsia
Diagnosis: Congenital cataract of both eyes
ID: 8175
Charity donation
12.11.2022 15:48
1750.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.11.2022 14:58
200.00 UAH
Родина Тимченко
12.11.2022 11:46
12.08 UAH
Родина Тимченко
12.11.2022 11:46
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
12.11.2022 11:30
200.00 UAH
All donors

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