Let's not waste a minute for Arina! 4
Let's not waste a minute for Arina! 4

Let's not waste a minute for Arina! 4

The project is carried by
Started: 02.07.2024
Kyiv region
Still needed
33840.00 UAH
Total goal
34000.00 UAH

Before Arina was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), her behavior changed dramatically: she became afraid of light, sounds and people, and she stopped babbling and forgot her family, whom she hadn't seen for a day. Arina became hyperactive, she didn't sleep, cried constantly, and hardly reacted to the outside world. But in addition to ASD, the girl was also diagnosed with epileptic activity and speech impairment.

Now Arina is 5 years old, and she still speaks poorly and does not always understand the speech she is being asked to speak, has little contact with other children, reacts poorly to loud sounds, and sometimes has obsessive movements – pinches her cheeks, scratches her stomach, etc. However, systematic treatment improves the girl's condition: after her last visit to the rehabilitation center, Arina began to speak better, communicate with others and became more concentrated.   

Now we are starting to raise funds for a new rehabilitation course for Arina and ask for your help. Let's support this wonderful girl together!

Full name: Voloshina Arina, 29.10.2018
City: Myronivka, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: childhood autism. Underdevelopment of expressive and receptive speech. Cognitive deficiency
ID: 9539

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
02.07.2024 20:49
40.00 UAH
Виктория Чередниченко
02.07.2024 18:57
120.00 UAH
All donors
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