Examinations that save children's lives. 2
Examinations that save children's lives. 2

Examinations that save children's lives. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 21.02.2020
Zaporizhia region
Totally raised
44150.0 UAH
Total goal
44150.00 UAH

The birth of a baby is accompanied by a scream informing the world about the appearance of a new person. Unfortunately, for many of them have it is a cry for help. The meaning of intensive care is to help vital organs (lungs, heart, intestines, etc.) cope with their functions. This often requires the use of necessary manipulations and mandatory continual monitoring of the child’s condition using sophisticated equipment. There are situations when it is necessary to help the baby’s breathing, and then through a special tube brought into the respiratory tract, it is connected to the lung ventilation apparatus. Moreover, in order to understand how each blood cell is saturated with oxygen, a constant study of blood gases is carried out. 

All the actions of the staff of the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of Newborns of Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Children's Hospital are aimed at solving the main task - to support the life of recently born babies with a critical weight, who so far is not able to continue full-fledged development on their own. In medical terms, to keep the values of the most important vital signs (body temperature, acidity of the internal environment, blood pressure, etc.) in the normal range. It sounds simple, but the body of even an adult is a very complex system. What to say about babies, whose weight is sometimes less than one kilogram! Due to the immaturity of the body, they have very limited possibilities for recovery. Therefore, in this process it is very important the interaction of a team of professionals, an individual approach, balanced, but quick decisions, great moral, intellectual and material resources.

Blood gas indicators have been used in a children's hospital since last year, when a modern apparatus for blood gas analysis appeared in the laboratory. This expensive equipment immediately became a serious assistant in determining the condition of the baby, especially its respiratory system. Consumables and reagents are needed to conduct blood gas analysis and determine other important vital signs of sick children being treated in the regional hospital. Unfortunately, their stock ran out in December 2019. The amount of budget allocated to finance the hospital in 2020 is less than in the previous year.

Therefore, the leadership of the institution asks to support the children's hospital in its quest to renew and continue the quality support and salvation of our beloved little people.

The cost of a set of necessary reagents is 44 150 UAH.

ID: 5829
Charity donation
12.07.2020 09:26
1354.44 UAH
Charity donation
11.07.2020 23:20
200.00 UAH
Дмитрий Емец
11.07.2020 21:42
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
11.07.2020 13:54
101.83 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
11.07.2020 08:37
71.37 UAH
All donors

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