One misfortune for three
One misfortune for three

One misfortune for three

The project is carried by
Started: 21.10.2015
Totally raised
127026.0 UAH
Total goal
127026.00 UAH

Employees of charitable foundations are facing so different situations! Sometimes for our ward it is enough to get an expensive course of treatment to recover. Sometimes they have to deal with rehabilitation to the end of their life. And sometimes it is not even clear the place to start, because the doctors can not make an accurate diagnosis. This is the situation which Nikolenko family has faced with.

Lesia Nikolenko has three children. In 2009 Dasha, Kolia and Andriy were ill with flu with obstruction, and then their health become worse at once. Sudden changes in temperature, a sudden weakening of muscles, crises with impaired consciousness and different other problems. For six years their mother was knocking at various medical institutions in Ukraine and abroad, trying to get to the basic causes of children state, but each time the doctors put new diagnoses and prescribed symptomatic treatment, which gave minimal results. But mother did not despair and didn't retreating in the fight against the disease. Only after the examination in Kiev Institute of Immunology the children have got hope for recovery. Though it requires a lot of money.

During a recent visit of the Research Institute of Immunology doctors analyzed the results of previous examinations and put complex diagnosis, that explains the mysterious symptoms - a genetically determined deficiency of folate cycle as disimmunoglobulinemii, NK deficit of cells, myeloperoxidase deficit with recurrent gerpevirusnimy infections, with delay of myelination of the white matter of hemispheres brain. In simple terms, the herpes virus settled in nervous tissue, and the body, because of the immaturity of white matter in the brain, can not deal with it.

Dasha, Kolja and Andrej were prescribed the expensive treatment with immunoglobulin, which helps to normalize the process of myelination, and to overcome the virus. Two weeks of treatment with Octagam will cost 150 000 UAH. The course of treatment will take six months, but after receiving of the first results of an immunoglobulin treatment, there can be used cheaper analogue.

It is hard to imagine mother's sorrow when the health of her child is in dangerous. And Nikolenko couple has all sick children at once. Three lives, three destiniesare on the line. Please support this wonderful family and help to bring back joy into lives of children by making feasible contribution to their treatment! 


Name: Daria S. Zhurbenko, born 03.11.1996

Andriiy S. Nikolenko, born 17.07.2006

Mykola S. Nikolenko, born 13.05.2009

Location: Dnipropetrovsk

Diagnosis: genetically determined deficiency folatnoho cycle as dysimmunohlobulinemii, lack of NK-cells, myeloperoxidase deficiency with recurrent infections herpevirusnimy delayed myelination of white matter of the cerebral hemispheres

ID: 1790
Charity donation
14.11.2016 22:31
362.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2016 22:18
38.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2016 22:12
50.00 UAH
Наташа Ксюша
14.11.2016 21:53
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.11.2016 21:07
40.00 UAH
All donors

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