Oleg has a chance to heal
Oleg has a chance to heal

Oleg has a chance to heal

The project is carried by
Started: 15.03.2023
Totally raised
56000.0 UAH
Total goal
56000.00 UAH

The history of Olezhyk's illness began four and a half years ago, when the left eyelid became swollen and drooped over the eye. The doctors did an MRI and found out that there is a cyst in the orbit of the eye. An urgent removal operation was performed. But only after the operation it became known that it is a malignant tumor – rhabdomyosarcoma.

Then began the years of treatment, during which Olezhka managed to undergo 4 operations on the eye and one on the hand, 26 courses of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, autologous bone marrow transplantation. And every time it seemed that here she was – a victory over the disease. The last course of treatment and all... But every once in a while after 3-4 months there was a relapse and everything started from the beginning.

Oleg suffered from bronchial asthma and allergies since childhood, but this did not prevent him from being a cheerful, active child. He studied well at school and made friends with his classmates. Before the onset of the disease, he enjoyed visiting the sambo section and the pool. Now, more than anything, he likes to play on a console and a smartphone, and also collect and collect Lego sets.

It is very painful and scary when a child fights with all his might, with the hope that next year he will definitely be able to go to school, communicate and go out with friends, but instead he gets a hospital, drips, bad health. And the endless continuation of the struggle for his life.

During this time, Olezhka underwent all possible treatment protocols with a very long list of drugs. According to the results of the last MRI, there are metastases in the arm, buttocks, thighs, and lungs.

Currently, only targeted therapy remains from the untested drugs, the purchase of which is very expensive. Oleg's mother begs for help. She is raising her son alone and is unable to buy medicine.

Full name: Oleg Grigorov, 20.11.2009
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: Rhabdomyosarcoma of the left orbit
ID: 8594
Charity donation
22.04.2023 10:59
8712.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.04.2023 14:05
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.04.2023 00:05
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2023 23:40
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.04.2023 22:47
1100.00 UAH
All donors

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