Abandoned but strong boy. 2
Abandoned but strong boy. 2

Abandoned but strong boy. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 10.02.2021
Totally raised
37000.0 UAH
Total goal
37000.00 UAH

Little Vovchik has an older brother, a father and a disease that he has been fighting with since birth. It is a pity that this list does not include the word "mother", because she left the family when the children were still very young. Now the father is engaged in raising his sons, providing them with the necessary and treating his youngest son.

It all started with a premature birth: Vova was born at the 6th month of pregnancy, much earlier than the deadline. Caesarean section, large blood loss, hypoxia and hemangioma – and as a result, six months in the perinatal center and a terrible diagnosis of doctors – cerebral palsy. Of course, the boy began to receive systemic treatment.

If earlier Vovchik could not sit on his own and did not move much, then after the last course of treatment, where he was able to get thanks to your support, dear donors, he turned into a mobile, talkative restless boy with a conscious look and interest in the world around him. First, the boy began to kneel down and move around like that, and later the rehabilitation doctors taught Vova to move vertically correctly. Now the boy talks a lot and is interested in toys, to which he did not care before.

Dad and brother are very happy that Vovchik has such wonderful results. Of course, they cannot leave anyone indifferent. Soon Volodya must go to rehabilitation again, but due to lack of funds this may not happen. Therefore, we call on all of you to support Vovchik and help this strong boy get to the much-needed rehabilitation!

Full name: Kondratenko Vladimir, 02.02.2018
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy. Spastic tetraparesis. Level 1 motor disorders. Syndrome of liquorodynamic disturbances.
ID: 6850
Дмитрий Емец
04.03.2021 17:12
377.51 UAH
Charity donation
04.03.2021 16:20
509.16 UAH
Charity donation
04.03.2021 15:58
101.87 UAH
Андрей Волошин
04.03.2021 15:40
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.03.2021 15:22
500.00 UAH
All donors

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