Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3
Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3

Shelter for families that suffered from the war. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 07.10.2022
Totally raised
51326.0 UAH
Total goal
51326.00 UAH
02.05.2023 19:08
Project has been successfully implemented ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
02.05.2023 18:19
Збір завершено
Благодійна Організація "Фонд "Асперн" CF "ASPERN"
Збір завершено
Шановні донори! Дякуємо Вам за допомогу та підтримку нашого проєкту. Завдяки Вам ми змогли забезпечити 12 осіб, які тимчасово проживають в нашому міні-притулку в місті Києві продуктовою допомогою, психологічною та …
02.03.2023 15:30
Funded from the Help for children and families during the war reserve fund ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! This project was funded from the Help for children and families during the war reserve fund in the amount of UAH 20 718.58. Thank you for your trust and support!
07.10.2022 12:05
Start of the project.
Charity donation
02.03.2023 15:21
20718.58 UAH
Charity donation
01.03.2023 22:40
2227.30 UAH
Charity donation
01.03.2023 19:11
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.02.2023 22:23
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.02.2023 18:22
108.00 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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