Little girl has a tumor!
Little girl has a tumor!

Little girl has a tumor!

The project is carried by
Started: 04.10.2016
Totally raised
12000.0 UAH
Total goal
12000.00 UAH

Nastia is the dream of every first teacher. The girl loves to trace out each letter and number painstakingly and in general to write. That’s why she didn’t have any problems at school. But, unfortunately, now the girl cannot do what she likes. She has a brain tumor that affected her sight. The girl needs an urgent surgery. Single mother who has more three children in addition to Nastia asks for a helping hand because she cannot buy all the necessary medicines and medical materials.

Anastasia’s health problems began two years ago. The girl had a high level of acetone, so she received treatment from time to time and was registered at the family doctor. Occasionally Nastia suffered from headaches that quickly disappeared. One day the girl’s mother went shopping and her neighbor called: “Nastia is feeling bad...” The woman rushed home without feeling the ground beneath their feet. The daughter was pale, very weak and was constantly vomiting. The mother called the ambulance...

Little Anastasia has been hospitalized since then. At first the girl was examined and treated at the local hospital, then at the regional one and at last she was sent to the Institute of Neurosurgery. The girl needs an urgent surgery to remove the tumor from the brain. Unfortunately, the mother has to buy almost all the medicines and medical materials. But such an amount is impossible for the family that has to take care of four kids. They ask for a helping hand.


Name: Anastasia Stryzhakova, 27.10.2008

City: Novoivanivka

Diagnosis: Cystic neoplasm

ID: 2565
Charity donation
10.10.2016 23:59
4949.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2016 23:43
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2016 23:38
480.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2016 23:37
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.10.2016 23:11
50.00 UAH
All donors

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