Roman desperately needs a lung aspirator
Roman desperately needs a lung aspirator

Roman desperately needs a lung aspirator

The project is carried by
Started: 16.10.2024
Still needed
3648.01 UAH
Total goal
10000.00 UAH

The story of the life of a strong boy with a great thirst for life began back in 2014, when his mother found out about her long-awaited and much-desired pregnancy. From the very beginning, the pregnancy was threatened, but after the first trimester, everything went well, and the mother and baby felt great! Until a routine ultrasound examination revealed possible abnormalities in the child's development, the parents stubbornly disbelieved it and hoped for the best. But Roman was born with severe hypoxia and brain hemorrhages. 4 hours after the birth, the baby was urgently taken to the intensive care unit because the child stopped breathing.

Since then, the baby's struggle began. At the age of one and a half years, Roman was diagnosed with a complex and rare genetic diagnosis of Killian-Teshler-Nicol syndrome, as well as a number of concomitant diseases, such as epilepsy, hypothyroidism, and intestinal problems. Roman was lagging behind in physical and mental development, but constant rehabilitation courses helped to partially correct the situation. Romchik was able to drink from a glass, sit with support, roll over and pick up toys, and mutter something in his own way. It was a great joy for the family and a huge success for Roman.

But at the end of 2021, the boy fell ill with covid. His whole life was divided into “before” and “after”. Roman began to suffer from pneumonia every month, became very weak, and all his achievements came to naught. In addition, the swallowing reflex was severely impaired, which forced the child to be fed through a tube. Now he eats only special clinical formulas, which are quite expensive and needed every day.

Romchik is now 9 years old. He cannot do anything on his own: he does not roll over, does not laugh, does not even lift his hand up. At the moment, the main problem is that he needs to constantly desand sputum, which, when accumulated, does not allow the child to breathe. With this breathing problem, Roman has an urgent need for a cordless aspirator to sanitize the upper respiratory tract, as during power outages, without an aspirator, his mother cannot help her boy. With faith and hope, the mother asks for help in purchasing such a device for Roman.

Full name: Roman Lukyanchuk, 18.11.2014
City: Rivne
Diagnosis: Killiani-Teschlier-Nicol syndrome. Symptomatic epilepsy
ID: 9742

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
20.10.2024 08:16
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.10.2024 22:05
99.99 UAH
Charity donation
19.10.2024 15:07
180.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.10.2024 11:33
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.10.2024 07:25
100.00 UAH
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