Safia will definitely get better!
Safia will definitely get better!

Safia will definitely get better!

The project is carried by
Started: 20.01.2022
Totally raised
35000.0 UAH
Total goal
35000.00 UAH

Little Safiia was born 3 months ahead of schedule. The girl was in serious condition, so she immediately went to intensive care. Doctors found problems with Safiia's eyes, so they performed an emergency operation. And on the fourth day of the girl's life, she had a brain hemorrhage. Safiia was able to get home after 2.5 months.

The diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which was immediately diagnosed by Safiia, needed immediate treatment, so there was no time to waste. Therapy began with massages and physical education, but they were not very effective. Consultations with doctors and the first comprehensive rehabilitation brought the first results. So the girl began to hold her head and roll over on her own, subsequently began to take objects in her hands, understood more, expressed her emotions and played with toys.

And after the last rehabilitation, which Safiia was able to attend thanks to your support, she got stronger, began to pronounce more words, often draw and show interest in the outside world. Now she is an active girl who loves to play and wants to get better. However, for recovery, only desire is not enough – each time, considerable amounts are needed to pay for rehabilitation, which a financially exhausted family is not able to find. Therefore, we are starting a new fundraising for a new rehabilitation course for Safiia and we encourage everyone to join!

Full name: Salgin Safiia, 21.10.2019
City: Kherson
Diagnosis: сonsequences of hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the CNS. G93. Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. G80.0, GMFCS Level III Motor Disorders. Hip dysplasia. Lactose intolerance
ID: 7836
Charity donation
19.03.2022 19:27
4809.57 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2022 19:24
30.57 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2022 12:12
152.89 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2022 08:13
40.75 UAH
Charity donation
18.03.2022 19:07
40.75 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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