Chance to live a better life
Chance to live a better life

Chance to live a better life

The project is carried by
Started: 10.06.2024
Kyiv region
Still needed
30592.84 UAH
Total goal
100000.00 UAH

Maksym is 16 years old. The teenager faced a terrible ordeal – he suffered a spinal injury, a compression fracture of the cervical spine. Now he urgently needs our help.

A moment before the fracture, he had a bad fall. Then severe pain, ambulance, and hospitalization. Now the boy is in the ward. His injured spine was fixed, but he urgently needs surgery to install special plates for fixation. The cost of consumables is 100,000 UAH.

Unfortunately, Maksym’s parents were laid off and lost their jobs. They are unable to pay such a sum. However, they sincerely believe in our help!

Maksym understands that his family does not have the money for the surgery and hopes for people’s support, as he dreams of going fishing, playing football, and doing sports as before. Dear friends, this surgery is a real chance for Maksym to live a better life.

Let’s unite and help Maksym!

Full name: Maksym Ovsiyenko, 21.09.2008
City: Krasylivka village, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: compression fracture of the spine
ID: 9507

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
30.06.2024 04:37
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.06.2024 23:42
454.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.06.2024 20:49
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.06.2024 16:44
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.06.2024 03:27
200.00 UAH
All donors
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