For the sixth year, Rostyk takes medicine
For the sixth year, Rostyk takes medicine

For the sixth year, Rostyk takes medicine

The project is carried by
Started: 01.12.2023
Kirovograd region
Totally raised
53000.0 UAH
Total goal
53000.00 UAH

Rostyk started to get sick almost from the moment he was born. Already at the age of three months, the baby started having seizures. Since then, the boy's life has turned into a continuous intake of medications and endless consultations and examinations. His mother is desperately fighting for Rostyk's health, despite the doctors' disappointing prognoses. And it is paying off: Rostyk is getting stronger with age, both emotionally and physically.

Rostyslav has already matured considerably. His parents were happy when they took him to the first grade. Although Rostyk is successfully engaged in physical therapy and constantly takes medications, it is quite difficult for him to learn. He has epileptic seizures several times a day.  

A big problem is that Rostyslav's disease requires regular changes of medications to prevent seizures. The selection of effective medications continues to this day. Not all of the boy's medicines are provided free of charge by the state, and they cost a lot, and the family is not able to buy them all the time. The period when the available medicines run out is the most difficult time for the mother. Recently, they have been treated with charitable funds, and now they need support again.

Full name: Pyrozhenko Rostyslav, 04.01.2017
City: Kropyvnytskyi
Diagnosis: Structural epilepsy
ID: 9116
Charity donation
24.07.2024 15:48
1567.00 UAH
Дмитро В.
24.07.2024 00:48
333.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.07.2024 22:37
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.07.2024 16:33
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.07.2024 13:50
100.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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