We are looking for helpers of Saint Nicholas
We are looking for helpers of Saint Nicholas

We are looking for helpers of Saint Nicholas

The project is carried by
Started: 08.11.2017
Volyn region
Totally raised
7656.07 UAH
Total goal
7656.07 UAH

St. Nicholas Day is a long-awaited holiday because this day always brings a lot of joy. St. Nicholas more waiting for children living in orphanages and boarding schools. Most of these children are orphans or social orphans (deprived of parental care children). Among them there are also homeless and neglected children from the street, so they do not have the opportunity to address someone with their dreams. It's no secret that the wishes of these children can not come true without our common support. Well, what kind of children's holiday without sweets? In order to prepare sweet gifts for the pupils of the Golovnensk boarding school, the Rozhyshchensk orphanage and the Ivanichevsk boarding school, we need your help!

There are children whose life deprived the joy and warmth of the family. An orphanage, a boarding school are facilities intended for the residence of many children together. Inside there are rooms for study and rest, a bedroom, a dining room. There are textbooks, notebooks, toys, swings, balls... Only native people - moms, unfortunately, do not rush here every evening to take their children home... This is their home, and they live in it from different ages.

All of them are waiting for gifts from St. Nicholas, waiting as one. Are waiting longer than children in families. They write letters, try to behave so as not to incur the wrath of the miracle worker. There is in the world the kid who is waiting for a highly anticipated evening would not dream about something special. Is it possible to describe the quivering joy when a child unwraps a beautifully wrapped gift, eats sweets? There is nothing more sad than frustrated, deprived of the warmth and care a child who believed in their necessity.

Caritas-Volyn team is doing its best to create a holiday for children and to cause joy and sincere smiles. Pupils of the Golovnenskaya boarding school, the Rozhyshchensky orphanage, and the Ivanichivska boarding school are waiting for presents from St. Nicholas. Since no children's holiday cannot do without sweets, we ask your help in purchasing sweet gifts. 300 orphans believe that St. Nicholas will come to them! Each of these children, caught in a crisis of life, is full of faith in God and human kindness.

We hope that this year, like the previous ones, you will become active assistants of St. Nicholas, and we will all succeed in realizing the dreams of disadvantaged children!

ID: 3537
Charity donation
31.12.2017 14:48
305.50 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2017 18:39
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2017 18:00
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2017 08:38
19.44 UAH
Charity donation
29.12.2017 10:38
500.00 UAH
All donors

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