The signal that saves kids. 2
The signal that saves kids. 2

The signal that saves kids. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 03.01.2019
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Totally raised
41300.0 UAH
Total goal
41300.00 UAH

The Department of premature-born children of Ivano-Frankivsk Region's Children's Clinical Hospital treats newborns with weight 500-2500 gr. 80% of them need oxygen support. But oxygen, in addition to its healing properties, and has many side effects. In order to obtain the positive effect of oxygen therapy, it is necessary to determine the saturation of blood and oxygen to tissues by a special device – a pulse oximeter. The aim of the project is to purchase 1 pulse oximeter for Ivano-Frankivsk Region's Children's Clinical Hospital. 

It has long been known that hypoxia (lack of oxygen) affects all organs of immature child and has irreversible negative consequences in the future development of the baby. The negative impact on the immature organism also brings hyperoxia (oversaturation of tissues and organs with oxygen).

A pulse oximeter has a sensor that is attached to the child and tracks how many percents of the blood is saturated with oxygen. The doctor or nurse having such data, can adjust the percentage of oxygen that is supplied to the child depending on the individual needs of each child. Another very important thing is that preterm infants often have the delay of breathing (apnea). They can be a physiological or pathological consequence of immaturity. This condition can lead to death, but with the help of the pulse oximeter's signal of delay of breath, this can be recognized immediately to take the necessary measures so that the child began to breathe again. In addition, the pulse oximeter shows the heart rate of the child which is extremely important in caring for premature children. Also, immature children often have arrhythmias (disruptions of the heart), which are very difficult to diagnose without monitoring. Thus, it is impossible to nurse the premature baby without monitoring is extremely important indicators such as blood oxygen saturation and heart rate.

Now, these functions are performed by nurses who are on duty around the clock in children, but one nurse in the ward has 4 heavy children who need supervision. We are confident in nurses, but paying attention to one child, a second baby may be changes that will be physically invisible. Due to hearing the pulse oximeter's signal, we can help from the very first seconds. Should we remind of the need of timely assistance?

With these devices, such as pulse oximeters, we can effectively nurse premature infants. Their disabilities will decrease significantly and the quality of life will improve. We hope for your support! There is nothing better in this world than a happy child!

ID: 4710
Charity donation
25.01.2019 16:44
510.49 UAH
Charity donation
25.01.2019 16:02
407.33 UAH
Charity donation
25.01.2019 15:56
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
25.01.2019 15:31
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
25.01.2019 14:23
300.00 UAH
All donors

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