Family instead of the orphanage
Family instead of the orphanage

Family instead of the orphanage

The project is carried by
Started: 23.01.2015
Dnipropetrovsk region, Ordzhonikidze
Totally raised
18154.0 UAH
Total goal
18154.00 UAH

Someone expands the living space to make it more spacious. Someone gathers with elderly parents. But Maria and Vasyl Perepiatenko decided to increase their home to have more place for a few more orphans. The couple has eight children, one is their own, and 7 are from orphanage. But there is life in the old dog, and they really want to take children to their home! This requires an extra room. To free up space in the house, they decided to equip the economic extension and move a bathroom there.

The history of this family type homes from Ordzhonikidze, Dnipropetrovsk region began in 2010, when the couple took Perepyatenko first foster child. Since then, every six months the family increases by one member. Children did not choose, they took those who had crossed. Surprisingly, Maria and Vasily believe that eight – is not the limit. However, to give the nod to the fact that the foster family supplemented with a new baby, should public authorities. They will ask a reasonable question: would not it be children closely when using existing squares?

To become a spacious house to documentation procedures took place without problems, it is necessary to increase the living space. Spouses Perepyatenko recently completed another major construction project: make a warm transition to temporary barracks, where there is a kitchen and dining area. Now for the conversion of the barn to the bathroom no money at all. Construction materials must be 18 154 UAH. Decided to ask for help good people, do not you want to find another 2-3 kid mom and dad!

ID: 1287
Charity donation
01.04.2015 08:50
6843.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2015 23:04
15.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.03.2015 20:12
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.03.2015 22:23
90.00 UAH
Charity donation
29.03.2015 14:17
1000.00 UAH
All donors

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